Wednesday, April 30, 2014

East London Greenway Ride

We enjoyed our day a lot on last Sunday (27.04.14). It was a great afternoon for a ride. Warm but not hot, with a breeze. We love taking our Bromptons everywhere. Thanks, Lord, for a wonderful world!!!
This is a varied and interesting ride from seafaring Woolwich in the east through the regenerating royal docks to the start of the East London Greenway.

What you can see: 
1. Royal Victoria Dock Bridge
2. Britannia Village
3. ExCel Exhibition Centre
4. Emirates Air Line
5. Planes taking off and landing at London's business airport 
6. Beckton District Park
7. East London Greenway
8. Lee River
9. Bow Creek Lock
10. Limehouse Marina 

I love riding my bike, it's a great way to save the Earth and my Health!!!
Do you have a bike? Do you enjoy riding???

Much Love,


  1. Oh....that is so beautiful! All those pictures make me want to visit! ;) You look lovely, Liuba! Absolutely gorgeous! :)

    1. Thank you my love!!! You are welcome!!! For sure you will enjoy!!!
      Much loveee xxx

  2. Super poze! Imi plac tare mult plimbarile voastre si va felicit ca reusiti sa profitati din plin de un oras atat de frumos!
    Trebuie sa mai vizitez o data Londra, cand am mers am stat doar 2 zile si simt ca n-am avzut aproape nimic :D

    1. My dear Ira,
      multumesc mult de cuvintelele tale scumpe!!! Da incercam sa ne facem timp si cu cheltuili nu prea mari sa ne bucuram de frumusetile de aici. Da trebuie sa vii, doua zile ar fi prea putin pentru un asa oras :) Sa mai vii, esti welcome si poti sta la noi!!!
      Te pup cu drag xxx

  3. Liuba, I nominated you for the Liebster Awards! You can check out my blog for more details!

    1. I wouldn't able to see where I was nominated :( Please, could you link me the link???
      Many thanks

    2. Dear Ashley,
      Just found it :)
      Thank you!!!

  4. Liuba postarea asta are multa dinamica/dinamism. Foarte tare rochita-hanorac, nu prea am vazut un asa obiect vestimentar. Sunt foarte multe de vazut in Londra, sotul meu are un bun prieten acolo, speram sa ajungem si noi in vizita. Ii multumim lui Dumnezeu pentru frumusetile din tara noastra, de oriunde, pentru ceea ce am vazut, chiar si pentru ceea ce nu vom putea sa vedem cu ochii nostri si sa simtim pamantul de sub noi.
    In weekendul care a trecut am vazut muntii Ciucas, o splendoare!

    1. Mihaela, fiecare comentariu mi-a adus bucurie si zambete. Multumesc petnru aceasta!
      Daca ajungi la Londra va fi super sa ne vedem si sa descoperim lucruri frumoase :)
      Sa ai o zaptamana frumoasa si cu multe zambete xxx
