Monday, February 17, 2014

I want PETER back

It's Monday, the weather seems to be totally fine...
Read my daily book, was feeling HaPpy...

Already at job place...Patients started to come (I don't know if mentioned before that I am working as a receptionist in a dental clinic). 

Peter's patient was filling up her Medical History form...
Was already 10:10am but Peter wasn't in yet... got my phone, texted Peter: "Peter, you coming?" no reply... started to worry...

I am calling him... no answer at all :(( Peter is calling back, I am answering very promptly... on other line hearing another voice (Peter's son - Tom). Tom is trying to inform me that Peter passed away, I don't want to believe that... I am shaking, crying... Patient is staring at me, she heard the whole conversation... we are hugging and crying together, trying to remind all those good moments which we had with Peter.

Manager asked me to call all those patients who already got appointments with Peter.
I am calling his patients ... All of them a shocked, I can understand that... Peter was much more then a simple dentist for them and much more then a co-worker for me. 
Still can hear very clearly all these words... Jesus Christ...O my God...Passed away???... are you joking Liuba???...this is terrible!!! He was my friend... He was my dentist for the last 20 years... I have no words... Is that true??? and so on... 

All want to go for his funeral service, all of them loved Peter!!!

Got a text from Tom: "Thank you so much, Liuba. I'm truly sorry to drop such awful news on you at short notice. Dad talked about how much he enjoyed working with you." I know he enjoyed working with all of us. He was the only person who encouraged me and almost every day got for me late, croissant, hot chocolate or other sweets from PRET. 

Mine and Peter conversation from last Wednesday:
Liuba: Hello Peter, are you on your way??
Peter: On the strand. Bus going ok. Want a latte?
Liuba: Would be just right a latte:) Thank youuuuuu :)
Peter: Do you have X-rays of Diana's patient?
Liuba: yes, she has X-rays
END OF CONVERSATION from WED the 12th of February
I don't know why I took this pic and even shared it on instagram last Friday. This is the latte Peter got for me last Friday (the 14th Feb).  
He was dreaming about going away with his boat and all...
I am so blessed that had that opportunity to meet him in my life. He was proud with his children and he truly loved them. What a great man and dad!!! 

It's end of the day and I am thinking to go home, it's late and my head is full of good memories...can hear his lovely words: Hello gorgeous, how are you today?? I want to cry... I will miss Peter a lot... I will never forget him!

Dear Peter,
I am with you and will miss you so much...
...and yes I believe you are with angels now!!!

Much Love,


  1. Imi pare rau sa citesc asta...
    Condoleante, din cate povestesti pare sa fie un om minunat.

    1. Multumesc Lavinia!!!
      Imi e dor de el si va fi mereu in inimile noastre!

  2. Oh Liuba .. :( I was very touched of the way you were writing. It's just amazing, how you can always bring the best out of people and be enormously thankful.
    I like thinking about quote "There will be two dates on your tombstone and all your friends will read them. But all that is going to matter is that little dash between them." .
    I believe that you gave memories to him as well which are in this "dash" now.

    Liuba, you are so good person. So simple, so honest and so good.

    Take care!


    1. Dear T,
      MANY THANKS FOR ALL YOUR thoughts, you are amazing, you were born to met me and I am happy.
      The qoute is just to amazing, many thanks for being kind and sweet as you are always!

      Take care dearest Triin

  3. :( Imi pare rau...
    Dar dupa felul in care ai scris..imi dau seama ca acest om a facut ceva in viata, a lasat ceva in urma..

    1. A lasat in urma multi oameni care cu adevarat il iubesc, a avut o viata nu atat de uoara, insa sufletul a fost atat de bland!
      Nu imi vine sa cred, imi va fi dor de el foarte mult...

      Multumesc Ira de incurajare si mesaj cald x

  4. ..e trist , pe cand vroia sa faca ceva pentru el ... din pacate pentru noi ,D-zeu a considerat ca e momentul ca Peter sa "mearga la el " ...A fost un coleg bun , un om deosebit . El va ramane mereu in inimile celor care l-au cunoscut ...

    Dar sa stii Liuba ,unde e el acum ...e bine pentru el ,e un loc frumos ...asa trebuie sa gandesti ...

    1. Da asa trebuie sa gandesc/gandim...
      Acel loc nu se compara cu stresul de pe pamant. Multumesc Diana pentru vizita si comentariu!

  5. Это так грустно, когда уходят близкие люди.
    Держись там! Главное, что с тобой всегда будут хорошие воспоминания об этом человеке!

    1. Svetik, sposiba bolishoe za haroshye, dobrye slava.
      On byl primerom dlya mnogih.

  6. Life is a Journey From God to God.
    "And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient,
    Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah , and indeed to Him we will return."Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided." Chapter 2 :157
    TO him we Belong to Him we will return. Im sorry for the Loss.May Allah Bless him in here after and may God give patience to all of u. In this Life the expected thing is death but its timing is unexpected.May the God Almighty Forgive us all so when we die may he be happy from us.may he guide us all.
    im sorry if my comment seemed long or may b irrelevant.Once again Sorry to hear the death of peter.

    1. I don't mind at all of your message... These are your thoughts and you have rights to express your words.
      Thank you and yes I also hope that God forgive us.
      Take care
