Thursday, February 20, 2014

A day trip for my birthday

It was my 26th Birthday yesterday. I had a wonderful day trip birthday with rain and sunshine. On Wednesdays all people are on their work places, but at the Kew Gardens were lots of parents, nannies, grannies with their kids. It's half term and all children are going out with their cares or parents. 

A friend of mine accompanied me on the trip, she is a Kew Garden member and I entered for free as her quest :) Kew must be one of the most beautiful places on earth. It is very large park and literally it was just too much for us to try and cover it all. I loved a lot the Orchid exhibition. Orchids exhibition started from 08 February 2014 until 09 March 2014. If you love flowers and especially Orchids you must go there. 

Go and spend the whole day, even if you don't end up walking around and seeing everything, bring some snacks, something to sit on, and when you get tired of walking, have a rest and enjoy :)

On my birthday got lots of phone calls from all my family members and friends, there also were many messages and FB birthday wishes. My nieces from Moldova were singing a very lovely song. Also wanted to mention that my older sister Zina celebrated her 31st birthday in the same day like me. I love her a lot and of course I congratulated her Yesterday many, many times... but want to tell her over again that love her and want My Zina happy and healthy.  
I am feeling like one lucky and loved woman. I am truly thankful to God for everything. I love God and want to be more closer with Him.

My dear friend, I want to encourage you to start each day like it's your birthday :)
Much love

Banana tree :)

Un leu romanesc am observat acolo :)
Заметила 100 русских рублей :)


  1. Ce frumos ti-ai pretrecut ziua de nastere...La multi ani!!

  2. La Mulți Ani, Liuba, în primul rând! Să fii fericită, iubită, credincioasă și bună!
    Foarte frumoasă plimbarea! Mi-au plăcut copilașii care desenau sau scriau, nu văd bine ce fac. Și poza care îi surprindea și pe bătrânei: natura este a noastră toată viața, ea este veșnică fermecătoare și mereu ne va fi folositoare!
    Te pup, Liuba!

    1. Scumpa si adorabila mea Maria mii de multumiri tie. Te iubesc si iti vreau binele. Pupici, Liuba xxx

  3. С наступившим днем рождения!! Всего самого-самого прекрасного и волшебного!

  4. La multi ani cu intarziere! Sa fii fericita si iubita!
    Sa stii ca nu m-am gandit pana acum sa incep fiecare zi ca si cum ar zi ziua mea...

  5. Multumesc Lavinia. Iti vreau binele si te rog ai grija. Te pup scump xxc

  6. La multi ani! Frumoase locuri! :*
