Since more than one month I didn't post anything on my blog. I really missed it and was thinking to post something, but couldn't find time. I am very thankful of my this holiday because:
1. Had a really nice rest of busy London :)
2. Had beautiful time with my family.
3. Read lots of nice Russian magazines.
4. Took lots of brilliant pictures.
5. Was playing with my nephews, they are really cute.
6. Ate amazing Russian food cooked by my sister or mum.
7. Had time to wrote my diary and did it with love.
8. Was shopping with my sister, got new nice things :)
9. Caught beach sunset, also saw a very nice rainbow.
10. God blessed my long holiday!
Beach Sunset :) |
Moscow |
Playground in my granny's small town |
Flowers from granny's neighbor |
mum's hat and mine :) |
On way to Nijnevartovsk (North of Russia) |
Smiley me :) |
Love this shot, took it while my brother in law was driving |
I am happy to be back in London and also missed it a lot :)
Thank you God for that you were all the time with me.
You, dear friend have a bless week and never give up on your dreams.
Much Love,
Dragă Liuba, bine ai revenit! Dacă ai ști cât de mult te-am așteptat! Mă bucur că ne mai vizitezi din când în când... Să știi că în poze, mi se pare că ești fericită și ai petrecut o vacanță minunată în Rusia! Nu prea am înțeles tot, căci nu prea știu foarte bine engleză, dar m-am prins despre ce e vorba în mare. Mă bucur că ai avut parte de o vacanță frumoasă! Acum vine toamna, și pentru mine începe școala... Ei, dar o să fie bine, nu:))
ReplyDeleteTe pup cu drag, Liuba!
xxx xxx xxx
Scumpa mea Maria, multumesc mult de cuvinte frumoase, am mare placere sa te citesc si sa ma ierti daca nu prea am timp sa iti raspund, am inceput si eu zilele trecute scoala si imi vine greu si plus am luat un nou job si toate imii merg foarte incrucate :))
Deletete pup cu drag si sa ai parte de successe maxime