Monday, July 29, 2013

Brilliant bag for my grandma

On Thursday, 1st August I have my flight to Moscow. I am so happy and excited of my this visit to Russia. 
My grandma, brother and 2 sisters live in Russia, but all of them are in different places and I am going to visit all of them and my Mum is there too for summer time. 
I made for my grandma this lovely bag with initial "L" she will be able to carry her staff in such a cool bag. I chose letter "L" because "L" is for Liuba, Larisa (my mum/her daughter), London, Love...

PS: The project of this bag and yo-yos took from Ruby Magazine

My dear Friend, I wish to all of you happiness and a wonderful summertime!
Much Love,


  1. Ce frumos din partea ta! Floricelele sunt și ele de mână? Sunt tare simpatice! Cred că s-a bucurat tare mult când a primit-o!
    O săptămână plăcută, dragă Liuba! Numai bine!

    1. draga Maria, multumesc mult de cuvinte dulci. Da floricelele le-am facut singura dupa instructie, este atit de usor de facut, cind o sa am timp o sa dau explicatie cum am facut...

      te pup cu drag xxx

  2. Love the bag and the love you put in its decoration!
