Monday, October 3, 2016

Nikita's First Teeth

I just discovered that my Nikita has his two bottom front teeth and surprisingly they don't seem to bother him at all. I think this is VERY early to have teeth. He is 4 months old, actually almost 5, this coming Saturday he will be 5 months old. Anyone else had a teething baby at 4 months old? 
I am sooooo surprised and very happy!


  1. Yay for no discomfort for him! I think it's pretty normal. A little younger than most, but still normal. I believe the earliest they can began teething is at 3 months (ouch)! Haha. I had a patient who was 4 months and was teething, but that patient was in so much pain from it! :-(

    1. His two upper teeth are coming too :)) I am so happy he had no discomfort. I thought he would be in pain, but he had no pain at all. I feel sooo blessed!

      I am so sorry for your little patient.

      Hope you are doing well and soon you will tell us the big news hehehe God bless you! Liuba x

  2. I think it is great, Liuba, that he has no discomfort! :)

    1. Exactly! It's great! :) Sending you love and care! Liuba x

  3. Bună scumpa mea,Liuba!
    Wow,suntem deja mare scumpo,stai liniștită că ai un îngeraș mare...dacă nu face febră și diaree este super!
    Să aveți o săptămână frumoasă dragilor!
    Vă pupic,vă îmbrățișez și vă iubesc!

    1. Sunteti tare scumpa si buna si va multumim pentru asta. Daaa, ne bucuram mult ca avem un asa bebelus scump. Pupici multi de la noi si o zi superba! Liuba x

  4. Nice blog dear!



  5. La aproape 5 luni e ok sa ii iasa dintisorii.
    Ai baiat mare ce mai :)
    Multa fericire la voi! :)

  6. Four months is little but great news that they haven't given him pain. Noah has a total of eight now and it makes eating so more enjoyable as they can eat so much more Lucy x

  7. Gheorghiță avea la 4 luni 4 dințişori, dar e singurul aşa de la noi din familie. Celorlalți ne-au dat mai târzior şi nu toți odată :)) e f bine la Nikitush :*
