Monday, January 27, 2014

The British Library

I love books and wanted to visit the world's largest library in terms of total number of items long, long time ago and today came that day :) 

The British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom and is the world's largest library in terms of total number of items. The library is a major research library, holding over 150 million items from many countries, in many languages and in many formats, both print and digital: books, manuscripts, journals, newspapers, magazines, sound and music recordings, videos, play-scripts, patents, databases, maps, stamps, prints, drawings. The Library's collections include around 14 million books along with substantial holdings of manuscripts and historical items dating back as far as 2000 BC.

The colour red is everywhere in London :)
Photographer: Alex
Too many books, such a great collection :)
Photographer: Alex
Book bench
Photographer: Alex
Books for children
Photographer: Liuba
Printing Press
Photographer: Liuba
From plan of St Petersburg, 1753
Photographer: Liuba
Photographer: Alex
Photographer: Liuba
How students are studying :)
Photographer: Liuba

Much Love from London


  1. Liuba, Outside it look like Kremlin a bit!))) Gorge institution, I bet a cup of coffee and a book is all you need there!!!

    1. MyAmy, that building which is behind of courtyard is "St Pancras international train station" and I am definitely in agreement:) that station looks like Kremlin, thought the same when saw it :)

      And yes coffee and a book is all you need for fantastic atmosphere!!!

  2. Liuba, pare-mi-se că te simți în largul tău acolo, la Londra! Sincer, oriunde aș fi m-aș simți super bine, dacă aș ști că sunt înconjurată de cărți unde am o mulțime de prieteni credincioși la care să le spun toate durerile mele (aș vrea să nu fie nevoie:)).

    1. Maria, ai dreptate ma simpt in largul meu aici si parca traiesc de ani buni :)) Sa stii ca nu am prea multi prieteni, am multi cunoscuti, insa prieteni devotati aici nu am, doar pe Dumnezeu si Alex si imi e de ajuns :)
      Iti doresc sa fii asa puternica precum esti si sa nu fie nevoie sa iti impartasesti nevoile cu cineva :)

      Te pup cu drag xx

  3. Eşti o norocoasă, de mult îmi doresc să ajung acolo, dar poate într-o zi... Frumoase poze. Ia cu tine tot ce e mai frumos din Londra. Numai bine!

    1. Multumesc draga ,iuta de vizita si ganduri frumoase :)
      Visurile se indeplinesc, asa ca o sa ajungi si tu odata sa vezi Londra cu ochisorii tai proprii :)

      Cu mult drag
