I love books and wanted to visit the world's largest library in terms of total number of items long, long time ago and today came that day :)
The British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom and is the world's largest library in terms of total number of items. The library is a major research library, holding over 150 million items from many countries, in many languages and in many formats, both print and digital: books, manuscripts, journals, newspapers, magazines, sound and music recordings, videos, play-scripts, patents, databases, maps, stamps, prints, drawings. The Library's collections include around 14 million books along with substantial holdings of manuscripts and historical items dating back as far as 2000 BC.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Library
The colour red is everywhere in London :) Photographer: Alex |
Too many books, such a great collection :) Photographer: Alex |
Book bench Photographer: Alex |
Books for children Photographer: Liuba |
Printing Press Photographer: Liuba |
From plan of St Petersburg, 1753 Photographer: Liuba |
Photographer: Alex |
Outside Photographer: Liuba |
How students are studying :) Photographer: Liuba |
Much Love from London
Liuba, Outside it look like Kremlin a bit!))) Gorge institution, I bet a cup of coffee and a book is all you need there!!!
ReplyDeleteMyAmy, that building which is behind of courtyard is "St Pancras international train station" and I am definitely in agreement:) that station looks like Kremlin, thought the same when saw it :)
DeleteAnd yes coffee and a book is all you need for fantastic atmosphere!!!
Liuba, pare-mi-se că te simți în largul tău acolo, la Londra! Sincer, oriunde aș fi m-aș simți super bine, dacă aș ști că sunt înconjurată de cărți unde am o mulțime de prieteni credincioși la care să le spun toate durerile mele (aș vrea să nu fie nevoie:)).
Maria, ai dreptate ma simpt in largul meu aici si parca traiesc de ani buni :)) Sa stii ca nu am prea multi prieteni, am multi cunoscuti, insa prieteni devotati aici nu am, doar pe Dumnezeu si Alex si imi e de ajuns :)
DeleteIti doresc sa fii asa puternica precum esti si sa nu fie nevoie sa iti impartasesti nevoile cu cineva :)
Te pup cu drag xx
Eşti o norocoasă, de mult îmi doresc să ajung acolo, dar poate într-o zi... Frumoase poze. Ia cu tine tot ce e mai frumos din Londra. Numai bine!
ReplyDeleteMultumesc draga ,iuta de vizita si ganduri frumoase :)
DeleteVisurile se indeplinesc, asa ca o sa ajungi si tu odata sa vezi Londra cu ochisorii tai proprii :)
Cu mult drag