Title: The Journey of Being Human
Author: OSHO
Number of pages: 206
I love this book and can describe it only with good, high words. Definitely a must-read if you enjoy the personal style. I have no idea if all of you like this genre, but if you are looking for happiness in ordinary life this is just right BOOK.
From book:
"A single smile may not look very significant, but a single smile is part of long process."
"What is the need of nations? What is the need or passports and visas and boundaries? This whole earth belongs to us...!
"Happiness has nothing special in it. Happiness is very ordinary thing."
"The beauty that is shown on the face, in the proportion of his body, is the beauty of his soul."
"To be parent is a difficult job, so unless you are ready to take that difficult job, don't become a parent."
"Every day is it so fresh that there is no need to look back-ward."
Your book review is nice,the title of book is touching.THanx 4 sharing it .
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thank you :)