Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Nikita Is 9 Months Old

Our Nikita has been on the "outside" as long as he has been on the "inside" and this feels like a huge milestone for us. When he was in my tummy I was always wondering when I will be able to finally hold my baby and now when he is 9 months old I am wondering how quick my little baby grows up. It's amazing watching him grow and develop.

Nikita is an easy-going baby and most of the time he is cheerful, smiley baby. His cute smile makes us so happy. We love our sweet little boy so much. He is the most special tiny human & life is so beautiful with him in it.

Nikita likes:
- To grab and play with things he shouldn't
- To put everything into his mouth
- Reading books
- To tear mama's magazines
- Rolling all over the place
- Bath time
- Clapping his hands when his mama singing "ladushki, ladushki gde byli...?"  (It's a Russian clapping song.)
- Being outdoors
- To smile when I am not allowing him to grab something that he shouldn't
- Crawling all day long

Nikita dislikes:
- Being in the same place for too long
- Getting dressed

- To change his nappy 


  1. If this is not pure love.....:)
    Be blessed beautiful family!:)

  2. He is absolutely precious, Liuba...just like you! Beautiful photos, thank you so much for sharing.

  3. La mulți ani,minune scumpă!
    Sunteți o familie împlinită și fericită!
    Vă doresc zile frumoase și fericite,dragilor!
    Vă pup și vă îmbrățișez cu mare drag!

    1. Elena, multumesc tare mult pentru ganduri frumoase. Pupici de la noi xxx

  4. How PRECIOUS!!!
    your angle is cute and beyond my small appreciations dear!
    this is the time of explorations and discoveries for him and quite tough and tiring for you .
    Hugs !

    1. Baili, thank you for all these nice compliments. All these words mean a lot to me. Liuba x

  5. Doamne, ajută, să crească mare și cuminte și frumos! Este o bucuria voastră de la Dumnezeu...o scumpete de bebe. Vă pup!

  6. Hi, there, handsome little guy! :) You are gorgeous and sweet and it's more than obvious you make your parents soooo happy!

    Big kisses! :* :* :*

  7. Bună scumpo!
    Ți-am furat o poză cu îngerașul tău scump și dulcic!
    Vă doresc o zi frumoasă și un weekend de vis,dragilor!
    Vă pup și îmbrățișez cu mare drag!

    1. Aaaa serios? ma bucur ca ai ales poza cu bebele nostru. Pupici, Liuba x

  8. Such a beautiful boy he looks just like you, I am so glad he is a happy and content little boy Lucy x

    1. Ahhhh really? I am so happy to hear that he looks like me. I love him so much! Liuba x

  9. Oh, gosh. So full of cuteness! I want to grab and kiss. Haha.

  10. This is the beauty and the happiness together.
    Your husband is blessed to have you, both ;)

  11. hello Liuba. everything is ok? you didn't write about months already...

    1. Hello, hello love, thank you for commenting. I was so happy to see your comment in my inbox. It seems like some of you missing us. We are all absolutely fantastic and very soon will come with a post. I am very active on Instagram.
      Sending you loads of love and care. Liuba x
