Saturday, February 21, 2015

Black Rips And Polka Dot Sweater

I can't believe it's Friday already, time is flying too fast. Don't you guys think??? I have tons of things to share and those who are following me on Facebook or Instagram may know what I did lately or where we have been... 
We have visited Porto last weekend, stayed there for three days and loved every minute of our stay there (will write about this trip on my next blog post). On Tuesday afternoon, my home friend came to London and she will stay with us for one week and I am so excited being busy with her. 
Yesterday was my Birthday and I really want to thank everyone for all the Birthday wishes. You all made my day and I feel really happy to have you in my life. And now, I will to share what I wore on my last day (Monday) of our trip to Porto. All these photographs were taken in Parque da Cidade (City Park) which is very close to the Atlantic Ocean and it is for sure the biggest "Green Area" in Porto. The best part is walking out straight to the ocean.

I wore forest green long jacket from Urban Outfitters, vintage red polka dot sweater from one of Brick Lane's Vintage shops (don't remember the name), black ripped jeans from Top Shop and shoes from Top Shop. 

Have a wonderful weekend, my ladies! What are you all up to? What are you reading or what movies are you watching? 
Keep yourself happy!!!
Much love
Liuba G


  1. Lovely photos, nice outfit and beautiful scenery...Liuba, you look great! :)

    1. Dear Linda,

      Thank you very much for stopping by. Liuba x

  2. M-ai facut sa zambesc cu bucuriile mentonate in text. Astept postarea dedicata excursiei la Porto si iti doresc happy, happy week alaturi de prietena ta!

    Imi place mult outfitul, l-as purta exact asa cum l-ai gandit tu! Iti vine perfect! Fotografiile sunt uluitor de frumoase, parcul acela e... de poveste! Ultima poza si cea in care stai pe o bancuta si in fundal sunt trunchiurile unor copaci imi par... de facut postere!!! Senzational arata, nu m-as satura sa le privesc!

    Te imbratisez si te pupacesc, sweet birthday girl! :)
    Lavender Thoughts

    1. Draga mea Ilda,

      De ai sti cu ce drag citesc toate mesajele tale, sunt atat de unice. Mereu ma faci sa ma iubesc pe mine si mai mult si pe tine tot. Esti o scumpa si iti multumesc pentru toate gandurile frumoase pe care le lasi aici si prin alte surse. Te pup tare scump, Liuba x

  3. Liuba , ți-au ieșit niște poze minunate !
    La mulți ani ! :D ! Te pup x

    1. Micuta mea Eca, multumesc mult pentru urare si comentariu. Te pup!!! x

  4. Peisajele astea sunt minunate, pozele sunt perfecte, iar tu esti superba!
    La multi ani, cu intârziere. Sper ca ai avut o minivacanța si o zi de naștere minunata.
    In ceea ce privește weekend-ul meu, s-a pierdut in meditații si citit.
    Te pup!

    1. Ce mult imi e dor si mie sa meditez, sa citesc, sa savurez cartile mele care ma asteapta cu drag... Te pup scumpa mea pentru toate gandurile lasate pe blogul meu. Liuba x

  5. Stunning photos! Love the backdrop :))

  6. A big happy belated birthday to you! Love the photography and all of those beautiful backdrops :)

    1. A super huge thank you for your lovely comment! x

  7. Love the backdrop of the path lined with trees! Red is a very nice color on you, and the ocean looks refreshing!

    This weekend I've been watching MacGyver and Mission Impossible--and reading the Bible and chess books!

    1. I loved this park a lot. It is so unique and so huge :) Glad you kept yourself busy with books, I forgot when last time read a simple article. Tomorrow will read all day long :) x

  8. La mulți ani, frumoasă Liuba! Sănătate multă și fericire îți doresc . Excursia la Porto a fost un cadou atât de frumos, arăți minunat și parcul acela este foarte...verde. Frumoase poze, ca întotdeauna!

    1. Multumesc din suflet pentru cuvintele frumoase si pentru ararile de ziua mea. Pupici, Liuba x

  9. Ca de obicei te gasesc in locuri frumoase cu poze frumoase!
    Ma bucur ca ai avut un timp minunat!

  10. I hope that you had a wonderful time in Porto and look forward to reading your post. You look lovely in these pictures I love the polka dot sweater such a cheery colour Lucy x

    1. Ahhh we had a wonderful time there and the weather was good. Thank you, love. Liuba x

  11. These pictures are lovely! And you look gorgeous as always :)
    Much love :*

    1. Love, thank you very much!!! Much love, Liuba x

  12. Scufita Rosie Urbana, tu esti? Asta ti-e povestea ta, Scufita Rosie in vacanta, tu te uiti pe sub mana cumva la ochii mei prea mici? Iti spun eu... sunt de la oboseala, dar tot vad frumusetea din fotografii, sunt demne de un album!
    Te pup scumpo, vezi cum imi starnesti imaginatia, sper ca te-am amuzat. ;))

    1. Mihaela, chiar am ras cand am citit mesajul tau :)) Eu mereu sunt inspirata doar atunci cand sunt super obosita :)) La noi e ora 00:56 si eu la ora asta am reusit sa termin de scris despre unltima noastra calatorie :) Te pup scumo, si iti multumesc pentru glumele frumoase :)

  13. You just get prettier and prettier, Liuba! I loooove these pictures! <3

  14. Imi plac la nebunie blugii astia si iti vin foarte bine!

    1. Ira, imi plac si mie foarte mult si ma gandeam sa-i fac scurti hahaha
