Tuesday, March 8, 2011

International Women's Day

Fetelor sa aveti o zi insorita si plina de iubire azi si mereu, mereu ... !!! 
Lots of smiles and love in this beautiful holiday :))

International Women's Day (IWD) is marked on the 8th of March every year. It is a major day of global celebration of women. In different regions the focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women's economic, political and social achievements.
Started as a Socialist political event, the holiday blended in the culture of many countries, primarily Eastern Europe, Russia, and the former Soviet block. In many regions, the day lost its political flavour, and became simply an occasion for men to express their love for women in a way somewhat similar to a mixture of Mother's Day and St Valentine's Day. In other regions, however, the original political and human rights theme designated by the United Nations runs strong, and political and social awareness of the struggles of women worldwide are brought out and examined in a hopeful manner.
The IWD is also celebrated as the first spring holiday in the Northern Hemisphere as the first day of March is considered the first day of the spring season.


  1. Draga Liuba, stiu ca de regula fetelor nu spun altor fete "La multi ani!" de ziua femeii, dar uite ca-mi permit sa oficiez eu protocolul acesta primind indatorirea de la Mateiul meu iubit. Asa ca, draga Liuba, Matei iti doreste o primavara frumoasa, vesela si multa sanatate! Iar eu te imbatisez cu mare drag si-ti urez toate cele bune!

  2. Multumesc Maria si Matei din suflet. Imi face placere sa primesc cuvinte placute. Imi sunteti dragi, sa aveti o primavara frumoasa plina cu soare! :*
