Tuesday, May 24, 2016

22.05.2016 - Two Week Old

On Sunday we celebrated quietly and wonderfully Nikita's two week old birthday. We went for a family walk on a sunny afternoon, took these lovely photos and also did some shopping. Our baby loves being outside. He loves looking up at the sky to watch clouds, airplanes, birds and when he is looking up I always saying to him that you came from heaven - I just love thinking this way. I love this little bunny so much and I am feeling so blessed, sometimes I am crying (tears of happiness) like a baby. Does anyone else cry when they are happy?
He is growing so fast and I make sure to spend enough time with him.  I love being close to our little man and learn from each other. He loves listening to me and I love talking to him. I just can't stop looking at him, touching, holding or cuddling him.

Thank you very much for all your warm wishes!!!

Much love


  1. La multi ani, Niki! Sănătate și fericire iti doresc.
    E un scump, Liuba! ;*

  2. So cute! And yes, I cry tears of happiness :)

    He is adorable!


  3. What a sweet heart he is georgeous. I can well imagine the tears of joy and not wanting to put him down. The first couple of months are hard work but it does get easier Lucy x

    1. I love reading your comments, thank you very much my lovely, Liuba x

  4. Omg, but your baby seems like an angel! He is wonderful...the bunny is placed very...artistic :)) near the boy. And his eyes...Nikita has stars, not eyes! Be easy, he really came from heaven, where else do you think he came from? :)
    Oh, I cried so many times with tears of happiness...I have never felt as you and my mom feel, but I have an idea about the unlimited love both of you have (and the fathers, sure). I can see on your face that you are satisfied (it is smth bigger than this, but I don't its name :D)...oh, you are such beautiful people... I love all of you...God bless your family!❤

    1. What a sweet message!!! Maria, thank you very much!!! Liuba x

  5. Dearest Liuba, your photos are gorgeous and very precious! Yes, I cry when I am happy. I also cry when I am sad, and even when I am angry. LOL! Sometimes it is hard to know if my tears are of sadness, happiness or anger. :)

    1. Ahhhh I also cry when I am sad, everyone does, I think hehehe Thank you for your lovely comment. Liuba x

  6. Liuba, ce fericita esti! Este asa de dragut! Sa fiti binecuvantati alaturi de el!

    1. Symona, multumesc tare, tare mult!!! Domnul sa fie cu tine! Liuba x

  7. Imi fac timp si vad despre ce e vorba, multumesc frumos! Liuba x

  8. E o minune frumoasa! Toti trei sunteti niste copii deosebit de frumosi! :) Imensa iubire sa fie intre voi mereu! :)

    1. Scumpa mea prietena, multumesc foarte mult!!!

  9. Și a ieșit Nikita să vadă lumea... :)
    Frumoasă familie, Dumnezeu să vă binecuvânteze cu muuuultă iubire și înțelegere! :)

    1. Daaaa, a iesit inca din a 4-a zi :) Ii place mult afara :) Multumim tare, tare mult! Liuba x

  10. E un scumpel, multa sanatate!
    V-am tucat pe amandoi!

  11. Bună scumpo!
    Acum sunteți o familie împlinită cu venirea
    îngerașului pe lume,se vede pe chipurile voastre!
    Să vă trăiască și să fiți fericiți,și gandiți-vă și la o surioară!
    Un weekend fericit va doresc dragilor!
    Vă pup și îmbrățișez cu drag!

    1. Elena, multumim tare mult!!! Da, acum sunte mai bogati, mai impliniti, mai fericiti. Multumim Lui Dumnezeu!!! Pupici d ela noi, Liuba x

  12. heartiest congratulations for having your baby in your arms finally dear,you must be so grateful to your dear creator who is so kind on you and blessed you with an angle sprit ,may God make you see his healthy growth his youth his happiness and prosperity each moment,thank you so much for sharing your joys ,

    yes i cried many times with tears of happiness and with the sense of gratefulness ,may god keep shower his blessings upon us amen

    1. Baili, many, many thanks for your warm, lovely words. You are such a lovely person and I adore reading all your comments you write for us. God bless you all, Liuba x

  13. Goodness, how time flies! I could swear the last time I visited your blog you were just showing off your bump. And now she's here!

    Congrats! Such a beautiful gift.

    1. Dear Lux, yes time goes by so fast and he is a boy hehehe Thank you, darling! Liuba x

  14. http://o-fetita-mica-intr-o-lume-mare.blogspot.ro/2016/05/intrebari-pentru-leapsa.html
    PUUUUP xx

  15. Lovely photos of you, beautiful family!

  16. sunteti baieti mari deja...iese dupa fete :)))

  17. so so so beautiful, Liuba!
    couldn't find a cuter family in the entire country! <3
    many blessings to you, darling. happy memorial day from the States and wishing you a great week!

    1. Ashley, thank you, thank you, thank you for such a sweet comment. You always know how to put a smile on my face. Sending you loads of hugs and kisses, Liuba and my boys xxx
